Quest Community Health Centre (Quest CHC) is a non-profit registered charitable organization providing primary health care, health promotion, and community capacity building to residents of the St. Catharines area and Niagara Region.
Our staff is made up of a wide range of interdisciplinary health care providers working in a shared care team model. Our focus is on the delivery of client centred holistic health care that seeks to remove barriers to care as well as address the Social Determinants of Health. Our team includes client coordinators, doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, health promoters, community outreach workers, outreach social workers, outreach nurses, therapists, and community health workers along with other volunteer health professionals such as our dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants and chiropractors.
Quest CHC is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of community leaders, professionals, and other representatives. We are funded from various sources with the majority of funding provided by the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Local Health Integration Network (LHIN). Other sources of funding include the Greenshield Canada Foundation, the Fowler Family Foundation, and Henry Shein Cares Foundation, Inc.