Home > Uncategorized > March 13, 2020: COVID-19 Update

As of March 13th, 2020 Quest Community Health Centre is open for business for our registered clients.

Our Response to a Healthy Environment

In an effort to keep Quest Community Health Centre clients and staff safe, we are adopting the following measures, mandated by Public Health.


For anyone visiting the Quest Community Health Centre:

You will be asked the following questions by our reception staff, a clinician or BOTH.

  • Have you or any members of your household, tested positive for COVID-19 / Coronavirus or are YOU experiencing the following symptoms?

*Difficulty breathing *shortness of breath *low grade fever *a new cough

  •  Have you or any members of your household travelled outside of Canada, since March 12th this includes cross border shopping, air travel etc. for any amount of time?

*If either response is YES, staff will ask you to exit the building and will recommend you self-quarantine at home for 14 days, as per Niagara Region Public Health mandate.

** Support will be offered over the phone while in self-quarantine to our registered clients.

NOTE:  All Group Activities, Chiropractic Services and Home Visits will be suspended until further notice.

**Support will continue to be offered over the phone until we can resume business as usual.

Please note, due to the constant changing environment, updates will be posted  as they become available by Niagara Region Public Health and or The Ministry of Health.

For the most up to date information about the virus and how you can protect yourself, visit:


Quest Community Health Centre thanks all clients and staff for

being diligent in keeping Niagara safe.

Nancy Garner

Executive Director